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Our Recent Posts

Election Preview: CPS Voting Issues
Every election, I forget how long the ballots truly are. You are not just going to vote for Clinton or Trump, you are going to vote for...

Reading Levels: What’s Really Important?
I recently attended a grade-level specific Q&A with our school principal. These meetings were designed to help parents in each grade ask...

Strike Averted! Are we Back to Business as Usual?
Between the Cubs game and the pending Teacher’s Strike, Chicagoans were in for a tense Monday night. The Cubs lost game 3, but the ...

What Is Kindergarten Really Like?
What are the first days and weeks of Kindergarten really like? And how can preschool parents prepare for those days in the near future?...

CPS 2016 Application Timeline & Important Changes to Test Scores for Selective Enrollment
Hey CPS Parents, we are gearing up for another year - can you believe it’s already the end of summer? My daughter just brought to my...

Help Your Kids Enjoy the Fireworks Without All the Noise
Hi parents, I hope you’re having an awesome fourth of July weekend - bbq-ing, maybe you got some time off work, hanging out with your...

Thanks to the Illinois Stopgap Budget, CPS Finally Has All Kinds of Good News
We've been in CPS for four years, and there is not enough good news to be had. From strikes to program cuts, principals leaving in droves...

Illinois' Budget Crisis & Chicago Public Schools
Hey parents! I came across an article on DNAInfo Chicago - if you don’t follow it you totally should - and here is the link. The article...
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