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CPS 2016 Application Timeline & Important Changes to Test Scores for Selective Enrollment

Hey CPS Parents, we are gearing up for another year - can you believe it’s already the end of summer? My daughter just brought to my attention that we had not cleaned out her backpack from last year yet! We have been thoroughly enjoying summer and I hope you have, too.

I got an email today about enrollment for next year. If you are going to be enrolling in Kindergarten, High School, applying to any of the selective enrollment middle schools or just generally looking for other options in any of the grades, the timeline has come out for the fall and for applications for the 2017-2018 school year.

What we know now is that the application opens October 3, 2016 at 9 a.m. and closes December 9, 2016. Somewhere between there you will need to get your PIN if you are going to be applying online. Otherwise,you can do the manual, paper process.

So that is out and something to look forward to if you’re going to have a Kindergartener starting next year. Or if you’re going to be looking into high schools, you’re maybe at the end of your elementary career with your child, and looking for the next step.

Something else that came to light in that process was that for the selective enrollment schools - both middle school (still elementary schools by CPS terms) and high school is that they will be using NWEA MAP scores to assess the entrance for the 2017 school year. So that will be part of the scoring rubric for your child. If you were not part of CPS last year, you need to make sure and have your child take that test. If you were in CPS, all students took the NWEA MAP test, but for students who did not, you will need to register for that test. The registration deadline is September 9, 2016.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer! I will be hosting another webinar on the elementary enrollment application process on September 13. If any of this is new and scary to you, join me. It’s well worth the hour of your time to learn the different school options for your child, how to enroll, what this timeline means to you and how to get the best education for your child. I hope you join me then, and in the meantime, have a great summer!


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